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Past Meetings

September 2018

At our September meeting Mike Ziri, DI\irector of Public Policy of Equality Illinois, spoke about the Inclusive Curriculum bill currently being debated in the Illinois legislature (SB 3249/HB 5596). He encouraged everyone to reach out to their Illinois representatives to share their stories and the positive impact that the Inclusive Curriculum bill would make on the lives of kids and families like ours. 

Our September meeting was the final meeting of the Downers Grove PFLAG chapter. We have enjoyed meeting together, getting to know one another, and supporting each other over these past three years. Thank you to everyone who has supported our chapter by coming to meetings, giving time, talents, thoughts, and loving support to the families who walked through our doors needing to be heard and understood.  While the Downers Grove chapter will be closing its doors, we are so grateful that there are many PFLAG chapters nearby, brimming with people ready and waiting to support those who need the love, empathy, and understanding that PFLAG brings.



August 2018

We welcomed Lois Graham, faculty adviser for the Downers Grove North HS Prism club, the school's gay/straight alliance. Lois shared the history of the group and told about the current and future advocacy plans. We enjoyed hearing about this active and vibrant group for students.


July 2018

July was a small group discussion month, with just a few of us sharing our stories.


June 2018

We celebrated Pride month by sharing a festive meal of LGBT sandwiches (l​ettuce, guacamole, bacon, and tomato) and sharing stories celebrating our loved ones.


May 2018

We welcomed speaker Kim Hunt from Pride Action Tank. Kim has a 30-year career that spans the public, private, and nonprofit sectors with a focus on advocacy and nonprofit management. She is currently the executive director of Pride Action Tank (PAT), a social justice lab devoted to improving outcomes for LGBTQ communities through a collaborative process of inquiry, advocacy, and action. PAT is a project of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, where Ms. Hunt also serves as an advocacy advisor. She is a co-host of a monthly LGBTQ storytelling event, political columnist for a quarterly gay men’s fashion magazine, and a member of various boards and advisory councils. We were happy to have Ms. Hunt speak with our group about Pride Action Tank and her other advocacy work.


April 2018

This month we watched some short videos to start discussions. Our fist video was from TedX Reno. Dad Skip Pardee shared his family's story in "Proud to Call You My Transgender Son." Here's the link:

We also watched a short clip from the Ellen Degeneres Show in which she talks with the first gay "Navy Spouse of the Year." Watch it here:


March 2018

Our speaker was Katie Slivovski, Exhibit Director and LGBTQ Inclusion Chair at Chicago Children's Museum, and her colleague Alex. Katie's program focused on "10 Easy Ways to be More LGBTQ Friendly," which she admitted was easy in this crowd. She broadened her talk to ways in which we can help make a difference in organizations that we are involved in or work in, and was full of great tips and processes for making organizations more intentionally inclusive, respectful, and celebratory of individuals and families in all their configurations. Such a great philosophy from the museum:"Every child benefits when they see themselves and their family configuration represented in the world around them. It's simply what's best for kids."


February 2018

Our speaker was Rachel Schwabe, presenting "Decoding the AIDS Memorial Quilt." Rachel shared information about the time and context in which the Quilt was created, its various influences, and the legacy of this memorial project.


January 2018

Chicago House CEO Scott Ammarell was our speaker. An agency long known and respected for its HIV/AIDS services, Chicago House is now focusing its next phase of providing housing and support services to the most vulnerable, ensuring that Chicago House continues to serve those most in need. As HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately impact the LGBTQ community, Chicago House is dedicated to ensuring those in need thrive through the day to day with sustainable housing, health and prevention services. Thank you Scott for an informative and inspirational presentation. Thanks to Eli for coordinating the speaker! You can find more information about Chicago House at


December 2017

Our own member, Eli Bryant, shared his experiences as a transgender individual and as a person. We also welcomed Eli's mom, visiting all the way from Kansas, joining Eli in his presentation!


November 2017

Deborah Brozewski, LCPC, clinical therapist at Edgewood Clinical Services in Naperville, led a question-based discussion about the issues faced by LGBT folk and their families. Deb discussed stress and stress management, loneliness and anxiety, and signs of these to be aware of  as family of LGBT loved ones.


October 2017

Tatyana Moaton, Diversity and Inclusion Services Coordinator for Howard Brown Health Center, shared a powerful presentation about the many resources of Howard Brown, its importance in the lives of the LGBT community, and her experiences as a transgender veteran.


September 2017

Our speaker was not able to join us due to illness. The group discussed the current Library Board controversy that has spotlighted the LGBT community in Downers Grove and the limits on speech of appointed officials. Also discussed were the transgender military ban, the passage of the updated vital records act into law in Illinois, and the life of Edie Windsor, LGBT activist.


August 2017

We welcomed Kyle Bullock, Senior Behavioral Research Coordinator at the Center for Gender, Sexuality, and HIV Prevention of Lurie Children's Hospital. Kyle shared information about the comprehensive adolescent primary care, mental health care, behavioral health services, and LGBT specific services offered by the Gender Center. 


The Gender and Sex Development Program is part of a multidisciplinary clinic with a wide variety of professionals, including research, mental health services, school outreach and support, support groups, policy advocacy, and community consultation and training.  The center is guided by its affirming approach that gender variations are not disorders, that gender may be fluid, and that youth should be empowered. Kyle also talked about Lurie's new HIV prevention mobile app, MyPEEPS, a mobile app to help insure proper HIV medication usage. 


July 2017

We welcomed musical artist and speaker Riss Carter. Riss's original music spoke to living authentically and breaking free of gender boundaries, and we all enjoyed it immensely. Riss is also a speaker through NIU's Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, and Riss spoke with us about the opportunities to connect and speak with others about being gender expansive and living an authentic life. 


June 2017

We celebrated Pride month with a community feast of LGBTQ sandwiches. Everyone shared stories of LGBT folk that inspired them. A positive evening full of love and pride!


May 2017

We watched a short video on the issue of nature vs. nurture of living as an LGBT individual, which led into an interesting discussion.


April 2017

One of our own members, Eli, shared his story. Thank you Eli for your courageous sharing of your story.


March 2017

Anthony Galloway, Education and Outreach Director for Equality Illinois, spoke. His presentation included info on:

Spring into Action, free training events around middle and southern Illinois, to become even stronger advocates for the LGBTQA community, running March - May.

EqualityCon conference in Springfield on May 6, an all-day conference "bringing together our state’s LGBTQ community and allies, progressive advocates, civic leaders, and community groups to train and share insights on how to make Illinois and the nation more just and equal."

May 17, Springfield Lobby Day with Equality Illinois. Bus will leave from Chicago in the morning and we'll get to spend the day speaking with legislators after a training session. 

Anthony also talked about Illinois bills that EQIL is focusing on right now. He talked about the power of speaking face to face as an LGBT advocate with our Illinois Assembly reps and US Congress folk, about how personal stories can open minds, and about how it's good to understand what motivates our legislative leaders (for example, keeping the government hands-off in business life could translate into keeping government hands-off in personal life). Some of our members who recently met with their local state rep about HB 1785 reiterated the importance of sharing our stories and being motivated not by anger but by education in advocacy, so that meetings are not combative but productive.


February 2017

Board member Corinne Rensch presented the history and meaning of the flag and other iconic images of the LGBT community. It was an interesting look at our history and solidarity movement through the emblems we all rally around. Thanks Corinne!


January 2017

Arlene Collins, founder of Chicago Parents of Transgender Individuals (PTI), told the story of her life and her transgender son, and her journey to advocate for the transgender community. She left us with wonderful resources and much food for thought. 


December 2016

Cindy Baleskie from the Fox Valley Institute/Naperville Counseling Services spoke about managing the holidays, particularly interpersonal strategies for LGBTQ families.     


November 2016

Member Corinne Rensch led group activities focusing on the ways we communicate and the language we use with each other.  Our discussion on this day after the election was thoughtful, respectful, genuine, emotional, and inspiring.


October 2016

We welcomed John and Mary Ann Hickey, active members of the DuPage PFLAG chapter. They shared their story as parents of a gay son, sharing their journey from their son's coming out to their lives as super advocates.


September 2016

Aimee Bowman shared interesting information about companies and how they rank of the Human Rights Equality Index.  We discussed how our power as consumers can support the LGBT community.


August 2016

Stacy LaScala presented information about college searches and resources for finding a LGBT college fit. 


July 2016

We welcomed police officer Lee Catavu, LGBT Liaison for the Aurora Police Department. Lee gave an interesting talk about his job, being out as a gay police officer, and thoughts he tries to instill in new officers working with the LBGT community. Lee was a great speaker.


June 2016

Corinne Rensch presented an interesting program on sports and sports history from the LGBT athlete perspetive.An informative topic as we head toward the Olympics.  


After the horrific shooting at the Pulse in Orlando, we held a candlelight vigil in love and solidarity for those precious lives lost and families broken.


May 2016

We watched two short videos, Berwyn School District 2015 Ally of the Year, showing the many ways the district has been successful in systemically supporting its LGBT students; and also a video from Project Now, featuring students' experiences in a different school environment.  


April 2016

This was an evening of sharing our stories.  We also looked at the state of LGBT rights and concerns across the globe depicted visually with charts from Wikipedia.


March 2016

We showed the Tom Bridegroom video "It Could Happen to You."


February 2016

We welcomed Lisa Williams, HIV Advance Practice Nurse at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. As a Chicagoland Nursing GEM (Giving Excellence Meaning) award winner, Lisa has been on the forefront of earlier patient HIV diagnosis through widespread testing. She talked about HIV today in the US and abroad, the benefits of everyone knowing their HIV status, and exposure prevention.


January 2016

Amy Klug, counselor at Downers Grove South High School, spoke about the current hot topic of transgender accommodation in high schools.  She also discussed ways high schools support LGBT students and their families as they navigate through their high school years.


December 2015

Kelly spoke for Youth Outlook in Naperville.  Youth Outlook is the only agency in the DuPage, Kane, and DeKalb counties dedicated solely to serving LGBTQ youth. They are an award-winning organization which provides wellness education on a variety of topics, leadership development, and social space. This was a great resources to learn about.


November 2015

At our November meeting, we watched and discussed a number of short videos focusing on the Transgender community.  Videos from including Laverne Cox telling her story, and also videos of Caitlyn Jenner's ESPN Arthur Ashe Award acceptance speech, and Jenner's interview with Ellen DeGeneres were all part of the lively discussion.


October 2015

On October 14 Mike Ziri, Director of Public Policy for Equality Illinois, spoke about the many ways Equality Illinois advocates for LGBT rights.  He talked about EQIL's current work on various Illinois laws, and on the federal Equality Act that will secure equal freedoms nationally in the domains of housing, employment, credit, public accommodations, jury duty, and access to federal funding.   Equality Illinois is instrumental as a vigilant advocate for LGBT rights, and it was great to learn more about what they do.


September 2015

On September 9, our first chapter meeting, we discussed what PFLAG is all about, what resources our chapter has to offer, and the mission and goals of PFLAG for families and individuals.  We watched a portion of the film "Out in the Open" by Matthew Smith, a documentary, both serious and light, about issues and challenges of LGBTQ individuals and their families. Featuring interviews with celebrities, politicians, and everyday allies who openly embrace the LGBTQ community, this feel-good film asserts that no single person is the same and that all people should be celebrated.

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